Welcome to New Vision!

We are an interdenominational Christian ministry for senior adults, designed to meet the spiritual and social needs of those who miss the way church used to be.

The main event of our ministry is our Thursday Evening Bible Fellowship Hour. Everyone loves the music! It is fun and also touches the hearts of all as we sing the classic hymns, praise choruses and gospel songs… with just a touch of country! We study the Bible using verse-by-verse teaching, applying it to our everyday lives. Then there is a fun time of fellowship around coffee and light refreshments. There’s a lot of laughter and everyone seems to wear a smile on his/her face. Many people come early and stay late just to enjoy each other.

“Churches today look to reach the young because they’re the future of the church,” Richard Jonkman, educator and chairman of the New Vision Steering Committee, said. “We understand that and don’t expect churches to cater to us; however, we’re still here and need a ministry that meets our needs. Music is one of biggest differences today; we miss the music that we loved and that ministers to our hearts.”

The group is reaching more and more seniors who need this kind of Christian fellowship. We have people coming from all over, from Sacramento, Folsom, Cameron Park, Shingle Springs and even as far away as Placerville, representing more than a dozen different churches.

Pastor Marvin Rickard adds, “New Vision Ministry is not a church or a substitute for church; rather, we’re a supplement to church.”

In addition to Thursday evenings, the group enjoys many social activities together. When a month has five Thursday nights, we have a potluck, complete with a program for entertainment. There are day trips, after church Sunday lunches together, attendance as a group to theater productions and concerts, day excursions, and even cruises and other trips. A New Vision group just returned from an enjoyable trip to Branson, Missouri.

Those who have discovered New Vision want everyone to come and enjoy the warm fellowship, the inspiration, the laughter, and the fun! You are warmly invited and encouraged to join us on Thursday evenings!